18. Revive Federal Government-Assisted Urban Mass Transit Schedule for Inter-State and Intra-State Transport.
18. Revive Federal Government-Assisted Urban Mass Transit Schedule for Inter-State and Intra-State Transport.
18. Revive Federal Government-Assisted Urban Mass Transit Schedule for Inter-State and Intra-State Transport.

Aware that sequel to the removal of subsidy on refined petroleum products and the premium motor spirit (PMS) in particular, the cost of transportation of humans, goods, and services within cities, intrastate and inter-states had more than doubled and in some instances tripled thereby causing untold hardships to the majority of Nigerians;

Concerned that the Federal Government's Urban Mass Transit Scheme and Public Mass Transit Revolving Fund Scheme failed to address transportation challenges in Nigeria;

 In 2016, the Public Mass Transit Revolving Fund Scheme, which employed 50,000 Nigerians, failed to provide adequate employment opportunities;

Also aware that the Abuja Bus Service (ABS) established in 1984 by the then Ministry of the Federal Capital Territory later transformed into the Abuja Urban Mass Transport Company Limited (AUMTCO), aimed to develop an environmentally friendly, sustainable urban public transport system in the Federal Capital Territory;

Worried that Abuja Urban Mass Transport Company Limited, Nigeria's largest bus transportation company, has failed to provide the best value for money and safest bus hire service. The N1.3billion project, intended to procure over 500 high-capacity buses for Federal Capital Territory routes, has failed to deliver desired services.;

Concerned that Abuja Metro rail, costing $824 million with 60% funding from China, which covers 290 km in six phases, commissioned in 2018, but currently not operational;

Also worried that Millions of commuters face difficulties in commuting due to insufficient mass transit vehicles, exposing them to dangers like harassment, kidnapping, and robbery, especially at high costs;

Cognizant that primary purpose of government is ensuring citizen welfare, as enshrined in Section 14(2)(b) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999  (as amended);

Desirous of providing Nigerians with efficient and affordable transport schemes to ameliorate the suffering as a result of the removal of subsidies on premium motor spirit (PMS) and its attendant high prices;  

Resolves to:

(i) Urge the Federal Government to revive the Public Mass Transit Scheme and Urban Mass Transit Scheme to ameliorate the suffering of Nigerians  and mobilize the economy;


(ii) Set up an Ad-hoc Committee to investigate the failures in Nigeria's Mass Transit Schemes to find sustainable solutions and report back within four weeks for further legislative action.


Hon. Olumide Osoba moved the motion on the need to revive the Federal Government-assisted urban mass transit schedule for inter-state and intra-state transportation, and it was seconded by Hon. Olufemi Ogumbawo. Hon. Miriam Onuoha proposed an amendment to add an additional prayer to urge the Federal Government and the relevant agencies to utilize hybrid and gas powered vehicles as they are more cost effective.

Hon. Ahmed Jaha further proposed an amendment calling on the Federal Government to embark on a public-private partnership to avoid previous failures of mass transit programs in the past.

The Deputy Speaker of the House, Rt. Hon. Benjamin Kalu agreed with the amendment as Federal Government most times seems to be too large to be focused on issues of State and Local Government implementation. The motion was voted on, adopted as amended and referred to the relevant Ad-Hoc committee when constituted.

19. Increased Engagement Needed for Nigerians to Select Acceptable Palatitive Options After Removal of Fuel Subsidy.

Hon. Dennis Nnamdi Agbo:

The House:

Notes that the House passed the Supplementary Appropriation Act (Amendment) Bill 2023, amending the Supplementary Appropriation Act to extract ₦500 Billion for palliatives to cushion fuel subsidy removal in Nigeria;

Also notes that the bill was passed into law after a good amount of contribution to debate by a reasonable number of Honourable Members;

Aware that Nigerian people for whom the palliatives are intended insist on having input into the final choice of selected options;

Constrained as a parliament of Nigerians to consider all options and choose the most compassionate program proposed by the President;

Also aware of the Committee on Palliatives set up by the President, comprising the organised labour, Civil Societies Organisations, experts and members of the public to consider the final option;

Informed that Parliament has acknowledged the President's State of Emergency on Food Security, focusing on farmland security, commodity Boards, and irrigation support, applauding these measures for improved food access and affordability;

Concerned about how little the proposed monthly cash handout of ₦8,000 can achieve for a selected household of five members under current potential inflationary pressure if not supported by increased output will only amount to motion without movement, both for the beneficiaries and for the generality of the Nigerian people;

Cognisant that at the moment, suppressed output rather than purchasing power, is the main challenge that the masses have had to contend with, under a regime of rising prices;

Conscious that other non-cash measures such as the security of farmers, favourable operating environment for businesses, support for mass transit, improved access to social services such as education and health care, and rehabilitation of road infrastructure are considerable palliative options of universal benefit and greater impact than options limited to only the scoped population;

Resolves to:

Set up an Ad-hoc Committee to collate the views of Members of the House of Representatives, Civil Society Organisations, and the Nigerian public, and engage the government on the selection of the best palliative options to cushion the effect of removal of fuel subsidy in Nigeria, and report back within four (4) weeks.


Hon. Dennis Agbo moved the motion on the need for increased engagement for Nigerians to select acceptable palliative options after the removal of the the fuel subsidy regime, and it was seconded by Hon. Lukman Mudashiru. The motion was voted on, but it was killed.

20. Need to Address Total Blackouts in Makarfi–Kudan Federal Constituency Due to Electricity Infrastrucure Vandalisation.

Hon. Umar Shehu Ajilo:


The House:

Notes that Nigeria aims to develop 10,000 MW of electricity by 2023, addressing decades of inadequate and unreliable power supply, aiming to improve the nation's electricity infrastructure;

Also notes that Electricity targets are under serious threat due to frequent attacks on national power assets, including Makarfi-kudan federal constituency, in various parts of the country; 

Worried that Nationwide electricity infrastructure destruction of TCN power line is a concern;

Also worried that the most frustrating incident that happened a year and three months ago, in Makarfi and Kudan local government areas of Kaduna State, nearly all electricity cables were vandalized and carted away by vandals, causing concern and frustration;

Concerned that this single act in Makarfi and Kudan local government has caused significant economic loss and security threats, including arm robbery and kidnapping. Failure to address this menace could lead to a collapse and paralyze economic activities;


(i) Urge the Nigeria Rural Electrification Agency (REA and the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) to investigate and come-up with effective strategy to nip this menace in due time;

(ii) Also urge the Federal Ministry of Power through the committee on power when constituted to intervenes, and give prompt consideration to the communities attacked, and install back the infrastructure vandalized hence to restored back the light to the communities which comprises of the two local Government Makarfi and Kudan Federal Constituency of Kaduna State;

(iii) Further urge the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps NSCDC, the Nigeria Police and others agencies to patrol lines, arrest and prosecute dealers in metals scrap, copper and aluminum conductors;

(iv) Mandate the Committee on Power (when constituted) to ensure implementation. 



Hon. Umar Ajillo moved the motion on the need to address the total blackout in Makarfi–Kudan Federal Constituency due to electricity infrastructure vandalization, and it was seconded by Hon. Martins Etim. The motion was voted on, adopted and referred to the House Committee on Power when constituted.



Hon. Benjamin Kalu Chaired:


21. A Bill for an Act to Repeal the Defence Industries Corporation of Nigeria Act Cap D4 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004, and Enact the Defence Industries Corporation of Nigeria Act, 2023 to Operate, Maintain and Control Subsidiaries and Ordnance Factories for the Manufacture, Storage and Disposal of Ordinance and Ancillary Stores and Material; provide a Comprehensive Framework for the Regulation of the Manufacture, Distribution, Storage and Disposal of Defence Articles, Support Research activities in Defence Related Fields and for Related Matters (HB.99) – Committee of the Whole: 18/7/2023.


Synopsis of the report:

Hon. Julius Ihonvbere stated that the Bill seeks to clean up the existing Law and make it updated, as well as to ensure that the measurable ordinances of control and deployment of defence articles are strictly adhered to. This he stated will help strengthen the national defence sector. 

Hon. Babajimi Benson further clarified that the 9th Assembly began the process of the amendment but unfortunately did not receive Presidential assent, and it is being cleaned up to ensure its passage for Nigeria to have its military intelligence at par with global best practice.

Summary of voting:

Clauses voted on and approved: 1-49

22. Ad-hoc Committee on the Screening of Nominees for Appointment as Chief of  Defence Staff and Service Chiefs of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Hon. Babajimi Adegoke Benson:

“That the House do consider the Report of the Ad-hoc Committee on the Screening of Nominees for Appointment as Chief of  Defence Staff and Service Chiefs of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and approve recommendations therein” (Laid: 18/7/2023).


(i) That Major-General Christopher Gwabin Musa, be CONFIRMED as the CHIEF OF DEFENCE STAFF of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; having successfully undergone the screening process of this committee;

(ii) That Major-General Taoreed Abiodun Lagbaja, be CONFIRMED as the CHIEF OF ARMY STAFF of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; having successfully undergone the screening process of this committee;

(iii) That Rear Admiral Emmanuel lkechukwu Ogalla, be CONFIRMED as the CHIEF OF NAVAL STAFF of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; having successfully undergone the screening process of this committee;

(iv) That Air Vice Marshal Hassan Bala Abubakar, be CONFIRMED as the CHIEF OF AIR STAFF of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; having successfully undergone the screening process of this committee.



Synopsis of the report:

Hon. Babajimi Benson stated that the report is a result of the Ad-Hoc committee set up by the House and the exercise went smoothly as the Service Chiefs were present for screening and answered sensitive questions on security, inter-agency relationship, funding, discipline, international cooperation, security architecture and delivery etc. He called on Honourable members to approve the recommendations therein.

Summary of voting:

Recommendations voted on and adopted: I—IV 



The House reverted back to plenary and adopted the reports of the committee of the whole, following a motion by Hon. Julius Ihonvbere and seconded by Hon. Kingsley Chinda.



The House at 15:28 PM adjourned plenary to Thursday, July 20th 2023 by 11:00 A.M following a motion for adjournment moved by the Leader of the House, Hon. Julius Ihonvbere, and seconded by the Minority Leader, Hon. Kingsley Chinda.


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