How to improve your website's SEO
How to improve your website's SEO
How to improve your website's SEO

How to improve your website's SEO

Crowds are money. The more visits and clicks your website gets, the more popular your products, services, and image get.

And you know what that means? It means more money and patronage.

Driving traffic to a website is the utmost wish of any business owner, blogger, vlogger, and so on. However, it is not always as planned, as most people make simple mistakes that downplay the essence of SEO.

Here are five ways to improve your website’s SEO.

  1. First things first, Understand your targeted online audience: Your target audience is the most important thing to take into consideration when driving. You get it wrong, and you get other things wrong. Who do you intend to reach with your content? What age range needs your services and products?

And just like Traditional marketing, understanding your targeted audience helps you know what problems they have and how you can bring solutions to them.

This helps and gives you ideas for which keywords to use in your SEO.

2. Keywords and key phrases: have you ever said a word and what came to mind was a company, a person, or a brand?  Try typing the phrase “Best chicken fry restaurant?”, in your search box, and you will see several websites and ads with the keywords ‘best chicken restaurant’, ‘best fried chicken’, and best chicken’.

What is common is the keyword chicken, and best restaurant, and notice that the closest to the initial phrase either pops up first or comes in line with several others. That is how important keywords and phrases are in SEO.

However, one of the mistakes made by several people is the overuse of Keywords and phrases, which downplays the impact of your SEO. 

Remember that Your keywords will only be useful when they align with the purpose of the content on your website.

3. Update your page as often as possible. When you leave your page dormant for too long, you tend to lose clicks and visits.

 Keep your page refreshed as often as possible. Post on a regular basis contents that target your desired audience. The more you do this, the more your audience increases.

And who knows? You might get to enjoy some ranking benefits.

4. Meta tags are a big boost for your SEO : It  provides additional information on what your website is all about,it gives descriptions of your websites, page title and also alternative text where need. Meta tags is also used by your search engine in the search result which are displayed when your keyword and phrased is searched online.

I hope you put this information to good use and give your website the boost it deserves. 

I look forward to your comment on how helpful this tips are to your websites, or possibly tell us your experience about the SEO.


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