I'll Keep Flying Ibom Air - Gov Umo Eno Assures
I'll Keep Flying Ibom Air -  Gov Umo Eno Assures
This is a subtle promotion of Ibom Air - the state owned airline of Akwaibom by Governor Umo Eno.

... Urges All A'Ibom People to Maintain Peace in their Domains

By Tony Udoh

Akwa Ibom State Governor, Pastor Umo Eno has urged everyone to maintain the peace and security enjoyed in the state over the years for greater and faster socio-economic development.

Speaking at the August edition of Government House Monthly Prayer Summit held at the Latter House Chapel, Governor’s Lodge, Uyo, he noted that Akwa Ibom is reputed as one of the most peaceful states in the country and even beyond adding that the status must be maintained at all cost.

He reiterated that once a case is in court, aggrieved parties are supposed to wait for the judgement before further action, and specifically appealed to communities on the coastline to avoid heating up the polity.

The Governor warned against infuriating statements saying, "please wherever we are, let's ensure we maintain peace. Don't be provoked to making infuriating statements, issuing threats that would heat up the system. We may know how to start trouble, we may not know how it would end, and we may not also know the people that the trouble would consume. 

"Please let's maintain the peace that God has given us in this state. For our brothers and sisters in the coastal areas, I do not see any need for trouble. A matter is in court and we are all mature to know that when a matter is in court, you allow the court to decide. Issuing statements on it is not proper because these things have effects on our state and our economy.

"Therefore, henceforth no group should meet again to issue press statements on anything concerning land, ocean or forest. All lands in the state are overseen by the Governor's office. If anyone meets again and issues a press statement on land, we would send the security after you because that would amount to a deliberate attempt to cause a breakdown of law and order.

" Let our communities be in peace. Not just the coastline, even the upland. Let's maintain dignity in the things we do please".

The Governor noted that the Palliative committee will submit its report soonest which according to him, will guide the distribution of palliatives to address the hunger and hardship in the land as much as possible.

He noted that though there were some challenges on how to get the palliatives to those who should actually benefit from it, he assured that government is determined and ready to do its best to support  vulnerable people.

Governor Eno who took out time to clear the air on some issues in the state, explained why government has revoked the CofOs at the Industrial Park and his choice to board Ibom Air for his last engagement outside the state.

Reading from Matthew 11:18, "for John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, “He has a demon”; the Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, “Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax-collectors and sinners!” Yet wisdom is vindicated by her deeds," he urged everyone to desist from making uncomplimentary statements against his predecessor,  Governor Udom Emmanuel.

He noted that boarding Ibom Air was deliberately planned to promote, patronise the airline and relate with the people of the state.  

The Governor who is a seasoned entrepreneur stated that he will keep flying Ibom Air, as well as supporting and encouraging other businesses in the state whether private or public.

He appreciated everyone who attended the prayer session saying it was always great to fellowship together and to lift up the state to God. 

Earlier in his exhortation, Rev Dr. Samuel Ebukiba of the United Evangelical Church who prayed for divine introduction and confidence for the congregation, urged Christians not to be afraid, but to be of good cheer as the Lord, who is mighty in battle, is their shepherd.

The service which featured prayer sessions, special presentations and different choir renditions including the All Nations Christian Ministry Int'l choir, was coordinated by the office of the Special Assistant to the Governor on Religious Affairs, Pastor Ini-Ima Umoh


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