Life as a man is no short of a video game.
Life as a man is no short of a video game.
Naturally, people are more likely to view life as a man as fixed. That is, it is boring, laboured and somewhat predestined but I choose to liken it to a video game.

From the day a male character is brought into this world, a clean slate is set. Every male character comes into this world without an innate value and is tasked with the responsibility of creating his value and this same analogy is applied in video games today.

In a video game, the character you choose at the beginning has it's hp set at zero, indicating no value, this is the same as a male in real life.You get to build and develop the chosen character to effectively equip said character with the tools and abilities needed to progress in the game.

This is the same in the real world as a man has to develop himself, amass a plethora of experiences in life so as to be sufficiently equipped to face the challenges life poses.

At first, it's difficult,  but as time goes on and the character amasses experiences and undergroes the required development, it becomes rather conducive. As the game progresses it gets tougher but the character in the same way is developing the experiences and know how needed to progress.

This same corellation can be seen in the real world, as a man's life doesn't get any easier, as a matter of fact, the reverse is the case. But with due development and experience, he is able to make progress.

Life as a man just like in the video game analogy can be very demanding, but it can also be interesting. With that said, what sort of character do you want to be at the end of the game? The elite character who came out on top or the ever struggling character who will live the rest of his days in regret. The stage is set. Pick up the gaming console and get to work.



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