Russia and Africa summit:the talk of fools
Russia and Africa summit:the talk of fools
When Putin's neocolonialism is foolish talk

Putin is the anti-christ?yeah,that's was also said of Nero,Vespasian ...and you guessed it,Hitler .Putin's antichrist moniker ratched up prior to the Africa-Russia summit.and who are the accusers?Western commentarors of course .only that such is foolish talk..the talk of fools .

     Kudos to some African leaders who now realise that demonising Putin and Russia is the West's playbook to keep Africa in its bondage .400b of nigeria's stolen money is lodged in Western banks as we speak.nothing concrete is being done about its total repatration and jailing of the culprits,their accomplices in Swiss and U.K banks .

          It's the talk of fools that Putin's Russia is evil.before Putin was a KGB operative,the West has been evil in keeping Africa poor;just a supplier of raw materials.Ajaokuta steel complex which would have Industrialised nigeria overnight was built by Russia:a good friend teaches you how to catch fish not how to eat fish.   The saboteurs of Ajaokuta are Western agents,evil in keeping Africa a slavemarket of western technology.

  Russia's invasion of Ukraine was immoral and illegal,but so  also is the 2003 U.S invasion of Iraq.Salute to the African leaders who now know that only interests matter in politics.the slave trade made the U.S and Britain rich:worth over 1tr in today's money:400years of destruction of Africa's economy.did Russia participate in the slave trade?

   Lumumba,Sankara,Olympio were set to break  the West stranglehold only to be killed by the West.foolish talk is believing the West wants Africa to develop.It's the talk of fools to believe western propaganda that Russia should not be engaged .Africa:Engage Russia to further your interests:technology ,oil,wheat et al .

     The West some African leaders worship stubbornly refuses technology transfer to Africa.Is it not foolish to believe a sworn enemy can ever wish you well?

Experienced researcher and historian.


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