Tinubu and high prices:,things unknown
Tinubu and high prices:,things unknown
High prices in today's Nigeria

You're spot on if you blame President Tinubu on the consistent price increases;afterall subsidy was removed and prices shot up to the moon.only that many things unkown to us or ignored by us should take the blame for Nigeria's price madness 

     For one,the dead refineries are to be blamed on Messrs Obasanjo,Jonathan,and Buhari.Two months cannot fix a refinery but a year can.heartaching irony is Buhari's failure to fix a single refinery in 8 years!for a man whose tough measures injected sanity into nigeria's political and economic system to have failed says a lot about the real man of power then-Tunde Idiagbon .adieu .

     Another unknown or ignored culprit in the blame 'court' is 'us';not Tinubu,not the usual suspect -government .we practice price fixing which is an illicit agreement by traders not to sell below a certain price:the people deserve the government they get.yam sellers' union,garri sellers' union,everything-including juju-is done to fix prices .we all ignore this problem.In saner climes price fixing is a crime.

    Do you know that 600 bags of cement on delivery is N3,550..the retailer sells for N5,000 or N5200?such a wicked gap-profiteering ,not profits is evil,even in capitalism.thus non-government ,non-supply/demand fuelled price madness in nigeri is not entirely the fault of Tinubu or go ernment.'we' capitalise on circumstances to wickedly jerk up prices.The wheat sector 'runs' in area of price fixing can give any patriot a fatal heart attack.

     Praying and waiting for miracles to reverse prices won't work-'the gods will not do for man,what man must do for himself'.imagine mass protest for functional food-supplying railways will do?from OBJ to GEJ,we keep praying-hoping for the impossible to happen and not taking action on what is possible.

  Functional railways will cut down prices overnight ,curing food inflation which drives up the prices of other items .it's healthy blaming government only if we know that the cure is not only government.

Experienced researcher and historian.


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