Homeopaths have holistic approach to medical diagnosis, treatment
Homeopaths have holistic approach to medical diagnosis, treatment
This is an article about the benefits of homeopathy.

By Emmanuel Udom

There is no denying the fact that our modern age has brought both achievements and challenges.

The wear-and-tear lifestyle of hustlers in developing and developed countries, also have a telling effect on our health in particular and other areas in general.

Orthodox and non-orthodox medical practitioners are doing their bit to save our estimated 7 billion people.

But, the realities on ground are simply overwhelming. Ask God, World Health Organization, WHO or Google.

Who or where should we turn to in this tumultuous times?

Speaking with our correspondent last week, Dr Vincent Ukeje, a homeopath, entrepreneur and a humanist said  homeopathy is an alternative medicine based on the theory of treating 'like with like'.

Homeopathy claims to stimulate healing responses to diseases by administering substances that mimic the symptoms of those diseases in healthy people. This is what Google has rightly told the world.

Dr Ukeje further explained that “while orthodox medical practitioners in about 85% cases deal with the physical, those involved in homeopathy take holistic approaches to health issues”

In a nutshell, homeopaths, while consulting or testing their clients or patients look beyond the physical to the spiritual through the minds for likely solutions to the ailments of patients.

Key words like: energy healing, vital life force, body-mind relationship, right thinking, right living and right actions, moderation, eating balance diets, etc, are associated with homeopathy, which has existed for over 2000 years.

The humanist-cum-homeopath said that in medical issues, no two persons are alike and since one man’s meat is another man’s poison, each patient should be approached individually and medical records obtained based on the information the person gives to the homeopath.

Dr Ukeje then called on people to seek medical advice, consultations and treatments from certified homeopath, in order to benefit from the holistic approach to treatment.


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