What Vaginismus is, causes and possible treatments.


I remember coming across a random reel on Instagram in early 2022, it was a video chronicling a young woman’s battle with an ailment called vaginismus. It sounded strange as I have never heard of it before, being the nerd I was, I decided to read up comprehensively on it, which I did and left behind me immediately I was done.

However, some couple of months ago, fate or maybe coincidence brought another instagram post on vaginismus again to me. So I decided to have a conversation on it with a friend. Unfortunately, she had no idea such existed. I was concerned and wondered how many more people are out there who are suffering about this and have no idea what it was.

This fueled me to write this article, and here we are.

This is not something meant for the female gender only, everyone should know about this to be able to give adequate and necessary support to anyone who confides in us.

What is Vaginisimus?

Vaginismus is when the muscle within the vagina involuntary spasm, this spasm is a fearful reaction of incoming vaginal penetration.

(Spasm is the involuntary contraction of a muscle, a group of muscles or a hollow organ.)

This pain is often observed during sexual activity and when period care products is being inserted such as tampooons or menstrual cups.

Vaginismus is the body’s automatic reaction to the fear of some or all types of penetration. With vaginismus, whenever penetration is attempted, the vaginal muscles tighten up on their own as a sort of preparation towards the penetration. You have no control over it.

Reports have it that vaginismus can actually be more of a psychological issue rather than physical due to the fact that patients who have been diagnosed have had history of an abusive childhood or have been infused with fear for sexual intercourse as kids.

Some of the children who have been preached to about sexual intercourse being a sin or believing that sex is shameful or wrong and should not venture into it might grow into adults who have vaginismus. However, this does not give license to sexual immorality in young adults. This issues can be resolved with giving adequate and correct sexual education.

Painful sex- dyspareunia is often the first sign of vaginismus. The pain happens only at the onset of penetration, it goes away after withdrawal but not always.

Women who get diagnosed for vaginismus often get diagnosed late as most of them were either celibate or abstained till marriage and those who engage in intercourse early just end up hating the whole idea of sex and stop having penetrative sex altogether or are too shy and scared to share their symptoms.

As much as the word vaginismus sounds strange to the ears or presumably to the eyes of many this is something that is very common. It is said to affect 1 out of 4 women, even though 1%-6% of people have been recorded to have vaginismus, doctors believe that it is relatively common condition that is under-diagnosed because people with vaginismus are less likely to go to the healthcare to share their symptoms.

Vaginismus seems to be common among people with the wrong ideas on sexual orientation and those from communities known for strict religious circle or those with strict religious background appear to have more vaginismus cases. However, these claims need to be confirmed through more research.

Vaginismus, can also be a result of anxiety disorders and also increase anxiety symptoms. I read in a report that people with vaginismus struggle with low self esteem or view themselves negatively which in turn can lead to mental health issues.

There are two main types of vaginismus;

PRIMARY: this is when a woman has had pain every time something entered their vagina, including a penis or when they have been able to insert anything into their vagina. It is also known as lifelong vaginismus.

SECONDARY: this is when a woman has had sex without pain before, but then it becomes difficult or impossible. It is also called acquired vaginismus.

 There are cases whereby some women experience panic attacks if there is introduction of penetration. People with vaginismus are also less likely to seek health care because they are afraid of internal pelvic exams.

People who have previously enjoyed painless sex or penetration can also get vaginismus because of a recent experience.

Note that;

Having vaginismus is not your fault and you should never beat yourself up for it. No matter how frustrating vaginismus can become, it is important to remember that you are never at fault for the pain you feel neither is it your fault that you have had an abusive childhood.

Be brave, be determined and treatment takes patience. It is never too late to ask for help and gain control of your body.

Vaginismus does not necessarily affect your ability to get aroused and enjoy other types of sexual contact.

Overcoming the stigma of discussing sexual dysfunction is one of the first step to treating vaginismus.

Doctors don’t know exactly why vaginismus happens. Since it is usually linked to anxiety or fear of having penetration, it is not clear which came first; the vaginismus or the anxiety.

Some women have vaginismus in all situations and with any object and others have it in only certain cases or with one partner and not with another. Or they might have it with sexual intercourse but not with tampons or during medical exams.

Possible treatment and what the treatment covers

These are few treatments that can help with vaginismus;

Psychosexual Therapy

A type of talking therapy that aims to help you understand and change your feelings about your body and sex

Relaxation Techniques

Mindfulness, breathing and gentle touching exercises(not masturbation) to help you learn to relax the vaginal muscles.

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Squeezing and releasing exercises to gain control of the vaginal muscles

Vaginal Trainers

Tampon-shaped objects in different sizes to help you gradually get used to having something put into your vagina.

More people should know about this, don't hesitate to share with others.


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