The Dr. Tayo Aduloju that I know by Tony Ademiluyi
The Dr. Tayo Aduloju that I know by Tony Ademiluyi
This is a tribute to Dr. Tayo Aduloju on his appointment as the CEO of the NESG written by Tony Ademiluyi.

For about a year, I was privileged to work as a researcher and writer for the Workforce Group. The diversified consulting firm is unarguably one of Nigeria's best-run indigenous consulting firms. It was founded in 2004 by the visionary Bolaji Olagunju a.k.a BJ who at the time I worked there doubled as the Lead Consultant before his retirement from its day-to-day running in his belief in succession planning and handing over the reins of management to the next generation.  

I was privileged to initially work directly under Mr. Olagunju in the then office of the Lead Consultant with which I still have fond memories which I still hold dear to my heart. 

I had a conversation with a former member of staff who had relocated to the UK and the first question she asked was whether I knew Dr. Tayo Aduloju. I replied in the affirmative and she spoke so highly about him, especially about the rare combination of his brilliance and love for humanity – a trait which made him extremely selfless even at personal inconvenience. She went on and on to say how she learned at his feet and drank from his fountain of wisdom. But for her marriage which meant her permanent relocation to the UK, she said she wouldn’t have left Workforce except if Dr. Aduloju left. 

I was in awe of this as prior to my phone conversation with her, I knew the erudite public policy and management scholar from a distance as I didn’t work directly under him as earlier mentioned. At the time, he doubled as the firm's Deputy Managing Director, having joined as a foundation staff member. He and BJ had met at Vic Lawrence and Associates owned by the Founder of Ebony Life and Media Mogul – Mo Abudu where he did the compulsory National Youth Service Corps. Impressed by his brilliance, the smart BJ poached him when he was setting up Workforce and the duo made a formidable team and before long Workforce Group became a dominant market player in human resources, management, IT, and strategy consulting in the country. 

I took out time out of my extremely busy schedule with the frequent deadlines to get close to Dr. Aduloju as I debated ideas ranging from political economics, development, public policy, foreign policy, culture, theology, history, etc. He was vast and could hold his own as an authority in any intellectual discipline under the sun, especially in the field of the area of social sciences. 

A fitness enthusiast – he had the appearance of a bouncer albeit with a distinct and unique swagger that could melt the heart of the most beautiful of damsels and could tame any shrew. 

Few members of staff at Workforce knew that his interest in public policy and genuine desire to see Nigeria work culminating in his convincing BJ to diversify into public policy consulting which saw him relocate to Abuja was as a result of his soldier father, Major-General Alfred Olaseinde Aduloju. 

The Senior Aduloju now late held enviable leadership positions in the Nigerian Army including being the General Officer Commanding (GOC) the Nigerian Army First Division between 1981 and 1983, GOC commanding the 82nd Division between 1975 and 1983, and the Nigerian Army Command and Staff College between 1983 and 1984. 

His late dad, a changemaker was part of the revolutionary soldiers that led the bloodless coup that toppled the directionless regime of General Yakubu Gowon. 

A military scholar who had a passionate love for education. He had a gargantuan library with books on politics, religion, education, philosophy, science, technology, military, warfare, power, government, administration etc. His father’s investments in books largely influenced Dr. Tayo Aduloju to develop a lifelong love for reading, education, and learning. Like the legendary 16th American President, Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Aduloju could go to any length to learn and get acquainted with the latest trends and information on not only his areas of direct interest but also a cross perpendicular general knowledge as he believed that the best way to leave a positive impact on humanity and greatly influence his fellow mortals was through a well rounded and balanced education. 

A deep lover of God, he credits two influences in theology to his mother, Ojis Aduloju, and her late spiritual father, Reverend Moses Iloh. He attended the International Bible College and Seminary where he earned a Bachelor of Theology Degree with a bias in Systematic Theology and Classical Studies. He is an ordained Minister of God by the United Christian Church and Ministerial Association and he is affiliated with the prestigious Club of Rome. 

A lover of knowledge, he obtained his First Degree in Technology from the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA), and a record three Masters Degrees in various disciplines ranging from data, economics, development policy, public administration, business administration, and a doctorate degree in economic policy and public administration. 

When he left Workforce Group in February 2017, there was a party held for him which was well attended by all the members of staff where glowing tributes were paid to him. 

He was later to join the Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG) for which he was academically and intellectually well-suited.

With the retirement of Laoye Jaiyeola, he has been announced as the next CEO of the non-partisan think tank dedicated to the promotion of free enterprise in his beloved native country with effect from January 1, 2024 after serving meritoriously as its Chief Operating Officer. 

I wish him resounding success in his new assignment and pray that God willing he will be tapped to serve his dear nation in an even higher capacity when his newly announced appointment comes to an end. 

Let us stand up for the silent and unassuming influencer, Dr. Tayo Aduloju as he takes over the reins of affairs at the NESG at a time Nigeria is tragically enmeshed in economic crisis!

The President Bola Ahmed Tinubu-led administration has indeed found a worthy ally as well as a sturdy partner. 

Welcome on-board Dr. Tayo Aduloju!


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