
Reverend Sunday Godwin Ashe: A Life Transformed and Devoted to Ministry
In a world where the hustle and bustle often consume the lives of many, Reverend Sunday Godwin Ashe stands out as a beacon of transformation and unwavering devotion to his ministry. In an exclusive interview, Reverend Ashe shared his remarkable journey, motivations, and insights on the evolving landscape of Christianity.
A Remarkable Journey of Transformation
It's been thirty-seven years since Reverend Ashe gave his life to Christ. He vividly recalls growing up in a home where African traditional religion held sway, with his father practicing as an herbalist. Visitors seeking spiritual consultation and assistance were a daily occurrence, which piqued his interest in following his father's footsteps. However, a sermon on one Sunday marked a turning point in his life, transforming him into a person everyone noticed as different from his once notorious self.
A Spiritual Activist on a Mission
Reverend Ashe's journey into the ministry was motivated by a profound desire to protect people from the plights of the devil. He sees himself as a "spiritual activist," one sent to rescue souls and ensure they aren't cheated. His dedication to this mission is unwavering, as evidenced by his decision to use the proceeds from his books to plant churches, a testament to his selflessness.
Changes in Christianity Over the Years
Reverend Ashe reflects on the differences between the Christianity of his youth and the present day. He notes a higher level of commitment and adherence to religious values in the past. People identified each other as "brothers" and "sisters" within and outside the Christian fellowship, fostering a strong sense of community.
Authoring Books for a Greater Purpose
Despite the potential for profit, Reverend Ashe's objective in writing books remains selfless. His primary goal is to spread the gospel, educate, and share his views with people across the country. He finds solace in knowing that his written messages touch the lives of readers, as commendations and calls praising his work keep pouring in.
A Supportive Wife and Writing Partner
Reverend Ashe's wife plays a pivotal role in his writing endeavors. Her encouragement, grammatical expertise, and support have empowered him to put his messages into writing effectively. She stands as a pillar of strength behind his literary pursuits.
Three Decades in Ministry: Challenges and Gratitude
Reverend Ashe's thirty-year journey in the ministry has been filled with both joy and challenges. There were moments of questioning and doubts, but he remained steadfast in his devotion to his calling. He expresses profound gratitude for the privilege of serving in the ministry, even in the face of hurdles.
Advice for Young Ministers: Humility and Relationship with God
To young ministers, Reverend Ashe offers sage advice: first, develop a close relationship with God. He underscores the importance of embracing humility as a trademark and treating people right. In his view, the number of lives one impacts and the souls one rescues define the true assets of a minister.
Reverend Sunday Godwin Ashe's life and ministry serve as an inspiring example of transformation, unwavering dedication, and selflessness. His journey from a background steeped in African traditional religion to becoming a spiritual activist is a testament to the power of faith and a reminder of the values that can guide us in a rapidly changing world.
On Saturday 30th September 2023, Rev. S.G Ashe would be launching three books titled "Needed in the City, Tied in the village", "Reversing the Irreversible" and "Breaking the Curse in the blood". The proceeds for this book launch would be used for Church Planting and the event which is open to the public would be holding at Foursquare Gospel Church, Alimosho Zonal Headquarters, 11a Kokumo Road beside Chicken Republic, Alimosho, Lagos.

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