Same Sex Activities shall not receive the church's blessings - CBCN
Same Sex Activities shall not receive the church's blessings - CBCN
The Catholic Church in Nigeria reiterated its condemnation of same sex marriage.

In a recent swirl of events, the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) has stepped into the spotlight, weaving a narrative of clarity amidst the mists of misunderstanding. This intervention, crafted by the hands of Archbishop Lucius Iwejuru Ugorji of Owerri and Bishop Donatus Ogun of Uromi, both serving as President and Secretary of the CBCN, seeks to illuminate the path for the Catholic faithful, disentangling the complex web spun by the Vatican's latest declaration, Fiducia Supplicans.

Their words, echoing through the hallowed halls of the Church, reinforce a cornerstone of Catholic doctrine: the nature of marriage as an unshakeable bond between a man and a woman, inherently open to the miracle of life. This declaration, while reasserting the Church's timeless stance, simultaneously sheds light on the nuanced terrain of blessings within the Catholic cosmos. It differentiates with precision the various forms these blessings can take - be it in ritual, liturgy, or the more informal prayers whispered in moments of personal seeking.

In this intricate dance of doctrine and compassion, the CBCN navigates with grace. They open a door, albeit a non-liturgical one, for blessings to touch the lives of those in irregular unions. Here, the Church's arms extend not to endorse the union, but to offer a gentle touch of grace to the individuals within it, regardless of their life's journey. This gesture, far from a blanket approval, is a delicate balance - a way to envelop all in the warmth of God's love while upholding the sanctity of the Church's teachings.

The Bishops, in their wisdom, underscore a fundamental truth: the act of seeking a blessing is not a ledger of one's virtues, but a testament to our shared human quest for divine grace and guidance. They invite those in irregular unions to bask in this grace, to harbor hope and open their hearts to conversion.

As the narrative reaches its crescendo, the CBCN reaffirms with unwavering conviction the bedrock of Catholic belief on marriage. There remains, within the hallowed traditions of the Church, no room for blessing same-sex unions or activities that stray from the script of divine law, the Church's teachings, the nation's laws, and the cultural fabric of the people.

In a final chorus of guidance and gratitude, the CBCN extends a heartfelt thanks to the Priests, the shepherds of marital harmony, encouraging them to continue nurturing the sacred sacrament of matrimony, ensuring its flame burns ever bright in the hearts of the faithful.


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