Man city:The shame of football
Man city:The shame of football
City's dishonest spending ruins football

Man city:the shame of football

Money matters in football,but it shouldn't be everything in football .before city,there was madrid,;figo's 56million fee,adjusted for inflation is 95m today.and Bellingham's is well over 100m.but madrid heeds the financial fair play rule which was crafted to arrest the money madness threatening to deface Pele's beautiful game.

           By diktas of finncial fair playrules,a club does not spend more than it earns: at gate takings,sponsorship deals and T.V rights.Chelsea was slapped with a 1year ban(transfers);how City got away with its falsified accounting is a shame to football ,a shame to UEFA and FIFA. Bribes?secret deals?no evidence for now.but don't forget Blatter and Platini"s bribery scandal.before the FBI investigations the duo seemed untouchable,but like Al Capone,the guillotine of justic triumphed.

     Winning trophies should be fair play,not buying entire teams..and the trophy itself.UEFA shamefully claimed the law that was meant to punish City was ststute-barred!laws are backdated in several jurisdictions when so much is at stake.the current English FA investigations currently going on should be firm and factual about city's FFP adherence.teams in Italy,France,have been relegated,stripped of their titles(Juventus) when foul of the law.honesty is the best policy.

Experienced researcher and historian.


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